Who has access to stories?
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Memoir books
You have complete control over who has access to your stories. Simply log into your account on our website, click on 'Manage Account', scroll down to your Settings and click on 'Edit Settings'. You'll see at the top ‘Sharing Permissions’. Click on ‘Change’ to bring up the full list of people you are currently sharing your stories with. You can add, edit, or remove anyone here.
People added to this list will be able to pick questions for you, will receive your stories by email, and have access to view and edit your stories.
Celebration books
You have control over whether everyone you've invited to a celebration book project can receive and view each other's stories. Simply log into your account, click on the relevant Celebration Book project, and then click on ‘Manage Project’. You'll see an option called “Who should see submitted stories?”. By default, this is set to “Only me”, but you can change this to “Everyone invited to the project”. If the latter is selected, everyone you've invited will receive an email when anyone submits a story. At this time, no one you've invited has access to the website to view or edit stories, but this is coming soon.